Sleep Matters

Poor sleep is linked to physical problems; these include a weakened immune system, mental health problems, anxiety and depression.

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene is a term used to describe good sleeping habits.
Below I have detailed some tips on how to achieve these healthy sleep habits.

Rise and Shine  

Ensuring a regular time for bed and to wake up can help your body set its internal clock, optimising the quality of your sleep. However, it is important to go to bed when you are tired and not lying in bed awake and stressing that you cannot sleep. If you require a nap in the day it is advisable to be taken before 3pm. Short power naps of ten to twenty minutes are most helpful. For those who easily nap, studies have found that if you drink coffee in the day, encourage the body to sleep immediately after consuming (within ten minutes), this can recharge your energy levels. 

If you are suffering from extreme sleep deprivation, then you will need to reset your body clock by staying awake until you are extremely tired. At this stage, do not nap during the day. Keep this going until your body clock has reset. A body clock can take up to a week to readjust. 

Sleeping Environment

Blue light from computers can disrupt your sleep pattern. Avoid using computers or watching the television an hour before your planned bedtime. Do not let yourself fall asleep in front of the TV, take yourself to bed.

Having an audio book or a relaxing reading book can help you get off your screen time. However, if reading, put the book out of reach so you are not tempted to read in the night.
Your bed is for sleeping. Your body needs to learn to associate bed for sleep. Watching TV or using a computer in bed will stop this! Phones should be kept out of the bedroom at night.
Your bedroom is best cool (60-67F  16-19C), and quiet (use earplugs if necessary), with curtains that block out daylight, to allow you to have an undisturbed full night’s sleep.

Bedtime Routines

Keeping to a regular bedtime routine is essential to enabling healthy sleep, brushing your teeth before bed is an obvious one, but sleep clinic studies have found that a cleansing and moisturising routine increases the effects. A routine is essential as this will signal to the brain that you are preparing for sleep and your physiology will respond accordingly.


Be physically active! Exercising in the day can make you physically tired for the evening, which is essential to a healthy lifestyle, however, avoid high intensity exercise for a minimum of three hours before bedtime.

A stretching routine can be a good ritual before settling down for the night.
Five to ten minutes of breathing meditation in bed can dampen your racing mind. Breathing exercises are much better than reading to help you fall asleep.

Breathing technique links:
Eating and Drinking

Eat a healthy diet whenever possible but remember, eating boosts the metabolism so do not eat too close to bedtime or you will stay awake.
Avoid stimulants 4-6 hours before bedtime. Certain foods and drinks contain stimulants, such as caffeine, the common ones to avoid are tea, coffee, chocolate, nicotine and coca cola.  Alcohol can interrupt the quality of sleep.
It is a good thing to have a house rule to have eaten all food by 9pm or at least 1 hour before bedtime.
A glass of milk is helpful if you are hungry and is a sleep inducer as it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps your body synthesise Serotonin, a brain chemical which induces sleep.

Worry List

If you have a lot on your mind, it can be helpful to have a notebook in the drawer by your bed so that you can jot down your concerns or actions for the next day.  You can keep a journal to reflect on the positive things that have happened throughout the day.
For those times when you cannot get back to sleep

* Pauline’s Amazing Sleep Remedy
Use a warm flannel and wet your lower body, either legs or from the stomach down. Your body should not be dried. Pad straight back to bed without drying and once in bed your body temperature, circulation and digestion will regulate, and you will fall asleep. If it upsets you to go to bed wet, wrap yourself in a towel before jumping into bed
Pauline Crates