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RLymYC Cruising Member's Blogging Area

Are you planning to make an Atlantic Crossing this year or preparing to partake in cruising adventures to warmer (or Colder) climates then we want to know about it.

This area of the Club website is where member's can share stories of past trips, future plans or even a continous update of your 2015 Cruising adventures.

Please add comments below to update your fellow members of your plans. You can subscribe to this blog so you are always up to date with the action.


Sailing Around Europe

To make an entry, insert your name, email address and comments in the boxes, click on the "subscribe me to this blog post" (if you wish to email notification of other posts as they occur), enter the security code and click "Add".
Posted: 15/02/2017 15:15:13 | with 0 comments

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You can add entries here as you cruise, just log on to your nearest wifi and away you go..
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