Tel: 01590 672677

Contact Us

How to contact Royal Lymington Yacht Club and how to find us by sea or land.

Contact Royal Lymington Yacht Club

Royal Lymington Yacht Club

Bath Road
SO41 3SE


01590 672677
[email protected]
09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday
09:30 - 13:30 Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays


Contact Maria on [email protected]


Contact Phil, Barry and Iain on:

07579 004021
07579 004022

VHF Call Signs: P4 / M2
Boatmen: "Workshop"
Office: "River Club"

Flag Officers

Commodore: Michael Derrick
Vice Commodore: Stephen Crates
Rear Commodore (Finance): TBC
Rear Commodore (House): Rod Clark
Rear Commodore (Sailing): Rene Chinnery

Bar and Restaurant

01590 671751

Book a Table: Members   

Book a Table: Visiting Yachts and Motorboats


Sailing: contact
Rallies, conferences, venue hire: contact Gillian on [email protected]

Supported Charities

RNLI - Lymington Lifeboat: website 
Lymington Sailability: website


How to find Royal Lymington Yacht Club

Lymington Harbour is a leading destination for yachtsmen in the UK and is also a commercial port for vehicle and passenger services to the Isle of Wight. It can be entered by day or night and at all states of the tide by vessels with draft up to about 2.5m metres.

Lymington River channel

The channel is marked by red piles with square top marks to port, green piles with triangular top marks to starboard.
  • Approach to the river WPT 50° 44'.20N 01° 30'.28W. 
  • Leading lights 319 degrees, fixed red 12/17m 8M.
  • First port hand mark: Jack in the Basket - post with barrel - Flashing red (2 seconds).

Navigate with caution

There is a constant flow of leisure traffic on passage to and from marinas and river moorings. The fairways, which extend from the southern-most Harbour Limit at Jack in the Basket beacon to the railway bridge at Town Quay and beyond, should be navigated with caution and due regard to other vessels.

All vessels are required to keep to the starboard side of the fairway when practicable. However, large commercial vessels can often only navigate in the centre of the fairway and smaller vessels must not impede their passage.

Lymington River hazards

The main hazards when approaching Lymington Harbour are:
  • Yacht racing starts in the vicinity of the entrance to the main navigation channel and the race starting platform.
  • Vehicle and passenger ferries entering and leaving Lymington and particular when arriving or departing the ferry berth.
  • Strong tidal streams running across the navigation channel from the entrance upstream to number 5 beacon.
  • The shallow ground either side of the marked navigation channel.
  • The rock breakwaters in Short Reach either side of the navigation channel.
There are a number of great places to moor in Lymington:

Lymington Harbour

During the winter period Lymington Harbour has a limited number of walk ashore rafting berths for visitors. The berths are located on the downstream end of the Town Quay Pontoon and are available on a first come first served basis.

During the summer season Lymington Harbour has 3 visitor pontoons as well as 32 fore and aft moorings. All pontoons have free water (own hose required) and Wi-Fi. The Dan Bran and Town Quay pontoons also have electricity (subject to socket availability).

Find out more about Lymington Harbour visitor moorings

Lymington Yacht Haven

The first marina you reach as you enter the Lymington River, Lymington Yacht Haven has excellent facilities, including fuel. It is a short walk from the marina past the Lymington Sea Water Baths to Royal Lymington Yacht Club.

Find out more about Lymington Yacht Haven

Berthon Lymington Marina

Located a little further up the Lymington River from Royal Lymington Yacht Club, you'll find Berthon Lymington Marina. The marina has excellent facilities and fuel.

Find out more about Berthon Lymington Marina


Postcode for Sat Nav users: SO41 3SE

If you are towing a boat, please ignore the Sat Nav as you approach Lymington and follow the brown tourist signs for the local marinas and/or the instructions below. Some Sat Nav systems take you down a narrow road which is difficult to manoeuvre whilst towing. 

How to find Royal Lymington Yacht Club by road

From the Christchurch direction:

  • Follow the A337 to the roundabout just after the Fuel Station.
  • Turn RIGHT into Ridgeway Lane. There is a brown signpost to Riverside Marinas.
  • Turn LEFT into Rookes Lane.
  • At the Roundabout turn RIGHT into All Saints Road.
  • All Saints Road becomes Stanley Road. 
  • At The Mayflower turn LEFT into Kings Saltern Road.
  • Take the next RIGHT into the Bath Road carpark.
  • Royal Lymington Yacht Club can be found on the waterfront to the left of the slipway.

From the Lyndhurst direction:

  • Follow the A337, straight on at the two mini roundabouts entering the town.
  • Straight on at the traffic lights.
  • Follow the one way system heading towards Christchurch and New Milton.
  • At the roundabout just LEFT into Ridgeway Lane. There is a brown signpost to Riverside Marinas.
  • Turn LEFT into Rookes Lane.
  • At the Roundabout turn RIGHT into All Saints Road.
  • All Saints Road becomes Stanley Road. 
  • At The Mayflower turn LEFT into Kings Saltern Road.
  • Take the next RIGHT into the Bath Road carpark.
  • Royal Lymington Yacht Club can be found on the waterfront to the left of the slipway.
The Car Park at the end of Bath Road is owned and operated by New Forest District Council (NFDC). The Royal Lymington Yacht Club accepts no responsibility for cars parked in the NFDC car park. 

The car park is pay and display, with cash or Ringo (location 2560). The charging Period is all year round 06:00 to 22:00 (Seven days a week including Bank Holidays). Please note:
  • Blue Badge Holders / motorcycles are free.
  • No overnight sleeping / camping allowed.
  • Parking must be in marked bays.
  • Trailers should be left attached to the vehicle.  
  • Please remember that parking should also be paid for any trailers and should be placed in the windscreen of the towing vehicle. 
  • Amenity Parking Permits and Long Stay Clocks do not cover the trailer.
Due to its unique use by yachtsmen the NFDC is aware that on occasions the car park needs to be used for more that the allocated 20 hours. In this case the driver of the vehicle should purchase enough tickets to cover the vehicle and trailer for the length of stay. The tickets will all have the same date and time of expiry but the Parking Attendants are aware of this and that all they have to do is count the number of tickets.

Boat parking during events 

For specific events, we will organise for a section of the carpark to be cordoned off for boat rigging and storage. Full details of this will be available with the specific event information, including details of any trailer storage during the event.

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