Tel: 01590 672677

Lymington River Scow Championships 2024

We are delighted to be welcoming the Lymington River Scows back to the  Royal Lymington Yacht Club from 7th & 8th September.


Event Messaging System

In addition to the Official Notice Board, the Organising Authority may send messages to
competitors and support persons via the Event Messaging System, Telegram.
Telegram is similar to WhatsApp but has better privacy (phone numbers are not public), does not limit groups to 150 people and allows new arrivals to see existing messages.
Please download Telegram for your Smart Phone and/or Laptop prior to the event from the links on
Then join the groups for the Spring Series below by following the links:
Broadcast & Queries: Messages from and to the Organising Authority and Race Committee:

Join Here

The speed of answers may vary and may be sent via the broadcast group. Please use this facility as sparingly as possible and certainly not for chat or it will lose its effectiveness.

Online Notice Board: