Tel: 01590 672677

Chart Room

Charts, pilot books, nautical books and more for our members to use.

Chart room resources for our members

Our chart room is on the ground floor of the clubhouse. It contains a comprehensive selection of resources for members to reference, including paper charts, pilot books, reference and  books to assist members with cruise planning. Take a look at the information below for more details.

In our Library of Logs and Members' Blogs you will find members’ logs and reports of previous trips that give an idea of what may be encountered in various places. You might also find useful our Cruise Reports from previous club day cruises, rallies and meets.


Chart Room Resources

Our philosophy is to provide large area charts for initial cruise area selection; smaller scale charts for closer examination of the proposed cruising area; and Pilot books, Reed's Almanac and access to up to date electronic charts for final planning.

We stock recent (latest edition or no more than 5 years old) UKHO Admiralty/Imray Charts covering passage planning for UK and Irish coasts, the current year's Reed's Atlantic European Almanac and current or recent editions (no more than 5 years old) of UK and Irish Pilot books.

For home waters (Scillies to North Foreland - drawer 1) and France North and West coasts including Channel Islands (drawer 2), the stock of local area charts will be maintained at newer than 5 years old or the latest edition. If using these, you should refer to the current Reed's and its online updates, or to the online UKHO "Searchable Notices to Small Craft", for the latest information and chart corrections.

We also have a large number of mostly local charts covering other parts of the UK and Atlantic Europe, parts of the Western Med, Caribbean, North American coast, Pacific and Indian Oceans, which are being withdrawn as they reach 20 years old.

Copies of the area/numerical index to the 600 or so charts are (1) in a blue folder on the map chest, (2) in each drawer of the chest, (3) accessed on this page under the appropriate area. 

Chart Drawer Contents

0 Chart Categories,Tidal Atlases
1 Scillies to N Foreland
2 France North and West + Channel Isles
3 Mediterranean, Spain, Portugal, Azores
4 Dunkerque to Elbe
5 Ireland, Wales, West of England
6 East of England and Scotland
7 Scotland North and West
8 Denmark, Norway, Baltic
9 Caribbean and Miscellaneous

Please note that charts and books are for reference in the Chart Room only and should not be removed. 

Charts are only updated to the date shown on the index.
Our philosophy is to provide large area charts for initial cruise area selection; smaller scale charts for closer examination of the proposed cruising area; and Pilot books, Reed's Almanac and access to up to date electronic charts for final planning.

We stock recent (latest edition or no more than 5 years old) UKHO Admiralty/Imray Charts covering passage planning for UK and Irish coasts, the current year's Reed's Atlantic European Almanac and current or recent editions (no more than 5 years old) of UK and Irish Pilot books.

Click here for the latest list of Pilot Books in our Chart Room.

Copies of the area/title index of Pilot books are (1) laminated and hanging from the shelf by those books and (2) can be seen under "Pilot Book List" on this page. It should therefore be easy for members to find and REPLACE charts and books in the correct position, please.

Please note that pilot books are for reference in the Chart Room only and should not be removed.

Navionics have a web accessible version of their world-wide set of charts, updated weekly, which is suitable ONLY for passage planning (as it is not as fully detailed as the plotter version).

Click on this link:
On the shelves labelled "Other Books", there are over 350 books and journals. As well as books on cruising and maintenance, you'll find many about yacht racing, dinghy racing and the history of classic boats, races and clubs.

Click here for our latest list of Nautical Books and Journals.
Our extensive library of members' logs dates back to 1992. Many older logs are kept as hard copy in box files in the Chart Room, see the list under 'Library of Logs 1992-2015' and ‘Library of Logs 2016 on’

Click here to read our members cruising logs and reports online.