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Thursday Evening Keelboats Race Series

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Thursday Evening Keelboat Series 2024

Early, Late and Late Late Series

The heart of cruiser racing in Lymington is the Thursday Evening Racing Series which runs from the end of April to the end of September, when we race under both IRC and the Lymington Handicap system. Boats range in length from under 6 metres to above 12 metres with every variety in between, including a strong fleet of classic boats. Typically, there are some 90 – 100 boats out racing on Thursday evenings split into 6 classes.

Prizegiving in our bar and restaurant after each evening’s racing is well attended and great fun! The Royal Lymington Yacht Club extends a warm welcome to owners and crews of competing yachts and invites them to become temporary members for each Thursday Night race event.

Briefing: 18th April 
Early series: 25th April to 20th June
Late series: 27th June to 22nd August
Late Late series: 5th to 26th September




For 2024 all yachts that are not racing in IRC or one-design classes i.e. those cruiser racers competing in the adjusted handicap classes will need to have a YTC handicap.

Commencing with the Spring Series on Sunday 2nd April and applying equally to the TEK series,  there will continue to be a “Lymington Adjusted” handicap, last year called NHC.  However, for 2024 YTC ratings will be the standard base rating for each boat from the start.  Anyone sailing in this class must please obtain a YTC rating for their boat, before racing.  The YTC application is simply achieved by online application and all the measured data required should be easily available without the need for measurement.  Please obtain your YTC rating as soon as possible.  To help you, there are two tools to guide you through the application process. Please download them below:


Spinnaker / White Sail ratings in IRC & YTC

IRC and YTC ratings have a “spinnaker” rating and “white sail” rating.  Competitors can elect which of these they would like to be applied per series by prior notification.  Change from one to another cannot be made during a series.
The default used by the Race Management team is “spinnaker” handicap and “white sail” will only be applied following a formal request.  Competitors requiring a change must let Race Management know no later than 7 days before the first race of the series. 

Competitors can elect to use a different rating in the TEK Early or Late Series and separately the Spring Series.  However, it should be noted that choosing the “white sail” rating could result in your boat dropping from IRC1 to IRC2 or YTC1 to YTC3.

Event Messaging System

In addition to the Official Notice Board, the Organising Authority may send messages to
competitors and support persons via the Event Messaging System, Telegram.
Telegram is similar to WhatsApp but has better privacy (phone numbers are not public), does not limit groups to 150 people and allows new arrivals to see existing messages.
Please download Telegram for your Smart Phone and/or Laptop prior to the event from the links on
Then join the groups for the Thursday Evening Keelboats Series below by following the links:
Broadcast: Messages from the Organising Authority and Race Committee:

Join Here

Queries: Questions to the Organising Authority or Race Committee:

Join Here

Race Team: Sailing Event Team Chat
Join Here

The speed of answers may vary and may be sent via the broadcast group. Please use this facility as sparingly as possible and certainly not for chat or it will lose its effectiveness.

Online Notice Board: